Arc Browser

Save Time with the Browse for Me Feature on Arc Search

29th May 2024


| Arc Search
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 17.5

Jacob Woolcock

29th May 2024

Jacob Woolcock



| Arc Search
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 17.5

nothing to see here!

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In this video, I demonstrate how the Arc Search browser for iPhone, with its “Browse for Me” feature, transforms the way we browse the internet. This tool is particularly useful for research, as it compiles information from various websites into a visually engaging custom page, complete with emojis, sections, bullet points, videos, and photos. This not only saves time but also provides a comprehensive view of the topic, with references and links to original sources for further exploration. Ideal for students and educators, “Browse for Me” makes internet browsing quicker and more efficient.


The Arc Search browser for iPhone has a really handy feature called “Browse for Me” that will completely change how you browse the internet on your phone, particularly when trying to do research or find an answer to a question. To compare and contrast, if I open up Arc Search and just do a normal internet search, in this case for Space Mountain the roller coaster, I’ll get my normal list of search results. I can tap through and explore more should I wish to, and the more pages I explore, the more I learn about that topic, and the more I can start to put that information together to get that full picture of what I’m looking for.

However, Arc Search can do a lot of that legwork for you. If you simply tap on “Browse for Me” on the search screen, it will actually pull together responses from quite a few different websites and it will basically make your own custom page all about whatever you search for. It only takes a few moments to make this page and, as you can see, visually it looks really interesting. There are lots of emojis, sections, paragraphs, and bullet points. As I scroll down, I’ll find embedded videos and photos and all the information that I’d like to find. At the very bottom of this page, it tells you where that data has come from. It’s not making it up; it’s compiling it from different websites. In fact, I can tap onto any of the links on this new page that’s been made especially for me, and tapping through to any other link will then expand and give me more information on whatever topic I’m looking at.

That’s “Browse for Me” on Arc Search. It’s a really handy tool to make browsing the internet quicker and more useful than before.

Arc Browser
About Arc Search
The Arc web browser is a modern, feature-rich browser designed to enhance the web browsing experience with a focus on productivity, AI and customisation.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
running iOS 17.5.

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