
Highlight Text in Your Notes with iOS 18’s Highlighting Tools

15th June 2024


| Notes
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 18

Jacob Woolcock

15th June 2024

Jacob Woolcock



| Notes
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 18

nothing to see here!

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Discover the new highlighting feature in the Notes app with iOS 18, designed to help you organise your thoughts and make important text stand out. This video tutorial will guide you through using the new highlighting options, including how to toggle and customise colours. Stay tuned to learn more about the exciting updates in iOS 18 and enhance your iPhone experience.


In the Notes app on iOS 18, you now have the option to highlight your text to make certain parts stand out or to help you organise your thoughts in new ways. All you need to do is highlight the text you want to change, and just like you normally change it to bold or italic, there’s a new option here for highlighting. I can turn highlighting on or off using the toggle button here, and of course, I can change the colour too.

There’s undeniably a limited selection of colours here for highlighting, which feels a bit like an odd choice to me, but there are some good bright colours that you can use to emphasise certain parts of your text. It’s not just the main body of the text that you can change and highlight either; you can also highlight any other text in your note. For example, I could select the title of my note and then use the formatting tools to add a highlighting colour to that as well. You’ll see that nice, colourful highlighting that applies to my note just like that.

There are loads of new things that you can do on your iPhone thanks to iOS 18. Do subscribe to my channel down below to find loads more, or visit my website, Jacob Quick Tips, where you’ll find all of the new stuff there.

About Notes
The Notes app is a versatile tool by Apple that allows users to create, organise, and share notes across their devices. It supports features like text formatting, checklists, attachments, and handwriting recognition, making it ideal for capturing and managing a wide range of information.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
running iOS 18.

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