
Embed Audio Recordings with Live Transcripts

22nd June 2024


| Notes
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 18

Jacob Woolcock

22nd June 2024

Jacob Woolcock



| Notes
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 18

nothing to see here!

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Learn how to embed audio recordings in the Notes app on iOS 18, complete with live transcription for turning your conversations into text. This educational video will guide you through the simple steps to record and transcribe audio within your notes.


In the Notes app, you can embed audio recordings — perhaps minutes of meetings or conversations you’ve had with a colleague, or maybe just ideas that you want to get onto a piece of paper. But not only can you record just the audio, Notes will also do a live transcript for you, turning that audio into text. All we need to do is press the attachments button down here, and then we’re going to choose audio. Then we’re going to press record, and I can simply start talking into the iPhone or have the iPhone on the table in the middle of the meeting, and it will pick up all the voices in the room.

You can see it recording down below, and then when I press the stop button, I can access the live transcript. Tapping on here will bring up a text log of everything that I’ve just said, and of course, I can add this to my note simply by pressing the more options button at the top. Then, I can add this text into the body of my note. You’ll see now my note has got that audio recording embedded at the top and then the actual text of the conversation underneath.

Of course, you can make changes to it if you need to, perhaps if a word or two was misheard, which can be quite common. But then you’ve got that option to keep that text and use it for whatever you want in the future. That’s just another way that iOS 18 has levelled up your iPhone, unlocking new abilities and new tricks. If you want to learn more, please do subscribe to my channel down below. There are hundreds of iPhone Quick Tips waiting for you there.

About Notes
The Notes app is a versatile tool by Apple that allows users to create, organise, and share notes across their devices. It supports features like text formatting, checklists, attachments, and handwriting recognition, making it ideal for capturing and managing a wide range of information.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
running iOS 18.

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