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Topographic Maps and Hiking Routes

22nd June 2024


| Maps
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 18

Jacob Woolcock

22nd June 2024

Jacob Woolcock



| Maps
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 18

nothing to see here!

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Explore the new topographic maps feature in iOS 18’s Maps app, currently available in the USA and Japan, which shows land contours and elevation. This video also highlights the new walking routes and hikes feature, providing detailed information and turn-by-turn directions.


The Maps app can now display topographic maps, showing you the contours of the height of the land that you’re nearby or the land that you’re exploring. Now, at the launch of iOS 18, this feature is only available in the USA and Japan, but if it’s anything to go by with other Maps features, it will be rolled out across the world fairly soon, we hope. As you can see here, I’m exploring Sequoia National Park, and as I zoom in, there’s actually no setting I need to enable topographic maps; it’s just there, ready to go. The closer I get, the more lines you’ll start to see, and you’ll see the height on those contour lines as well, measured in feet. As I go towards the summit, those numbers get higher because the land is obviously more elevated. As I go down towards the river, it goes lower.

This is the first time we’ve actually been able to get a sense of the height of the land in Apple Maps, and it’s a really nice feature to have to see those contours as you’re looking around and exploring. But there’s actually another feature that I’m going to show you very quickly while we’re here. If I go to the actual Sequoia National Park page, or indeed any national park in America, and scroll right down, there’s a new section for walking routes and hikes. Tapping onto here will show me some recommended routes from that particular area, and then going onto any one of those will show it on the map itself.

I get a really nice overview at the bottom of the length of the hike, the amount of time it will probably take me, and the elevation along the route as well. Of course, if I zoom in, I can see that map with those contour lines that we just looked at a moment ago. These routes will give you turn-by-turn directions on your hike so you know where you’re going, so you won’t get lost at any time. But you can also create your own custom walking routes, even if you’re not in the USA or Japan. There’s a whole video on this, so please do check out my channel down below. Go to the maps section, and you’ll find the video there. In fact, I’ll probably link it in the description here as well to save you a click. If you want to see what else your iPhone is capable of now that you’ve updated to iOS 18, then please do check out the rest of my videos on my channel down below. I’ll see you next time.

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About Maps
The Maps app is Apple's navigation and mapping application that provides detailed maps, turn-by-turn directions, real-time traffic updates, and public transit information. It also features points of interest, indoor maps for major locations, and seamless integration with other Apple services, offering a comprehensive tool for travel and exploration.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
running iOS 18.

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